POLYAMORY FOR BEGINNERS: A Beginner’s Guide to Navigating the World of Polyamorous Relationship

You’ve realized you’re capable of loving more than one person. You’ve got a like-minded partner excited to open your relationship to additional loves. You are ready to set off on the adventure that is polyamory. Congratulations. You’ve come a long way toward living a life that is authentic to you and filled with joy.


You’ve realized you’re capable of loving more than one person. You’ve got a like-minded partner excited to open your relationship to additional loves. You are ready to set off on the adventure that is polyamory. Congratulations. You’ve come a long way toward living a life that is authentic to you and filled with joy.

But you’re not quite there yet.

Going from Just the Two of Us to You/Me/Them can be exhilarating. It can also be challenging. Any big change, even a good one, has the potential for missed signals and hurt feelings. So let’s talk about some of the ways you can minimize difficulties when getting started with polyamory, and even use them as a springboard toward unprecedented intimacy with your partner. Because the process of opening up to new connections is full of opportunities to get closer to the person you already love. As long as you take care of each other along the way.


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